We will diligently assist with pet import/export between Malaysia and Japan,
ensuring your pet’s well-being throughout their stay.

I’ve been transferred to Malaysia and I’m considering relocating…

When traveling overseas with your pet, you’ll need to go through exit quarantine in Japan and entry quarantine at your destination. In the worst-case scenario, if there’s a leak, your precious pet might not be able to leave the airport…

The procedures are often complex, and amidst the busyness before the move, it can be quite challenging to prepare for them if you’re not accustomed to it.

Please entrust us, the professionals, with the procedures related to pet import/export and support for your pet’s life during their stay. This will allow you to focus on preparing for the move and settling into your new life, leading to a more fulfilling experience abroad.

Recommended for the following individuals

go abroad

I’ve been transferred to Malaysia,
but I have a pet…

various procedures

I want to bring my pet to Malaysia,
but I’m worried about the procedures.

Temporary return

I would like to entrust my pet to someone during my temporary return to Japan.

We have Japanese staff available.
We can handle transactions in Japanese yen and provide support in Japanese.

Japanese flag

We can take care of everything from procedures to pick-up at the local airport.

we'll go pick your pets up

Our support during your stay is excellent.

We make you and your pets happy during your stay

To ensure peace of mind not only for the owners
but also for their beloved pets

I have experience importing and exporting pets from Japan to Malaysia.
There were many complicated and troublesome procedures, and all communication had to be conducted in English.
Only half-hearted service was provided.
It was difficult to understand the amount and it ended up being expensive…

To ensure both pet owners and their beloved companions can have peace of mind,
I decided to start this service to handle all procedures on their behalf. Whether it’s before departure, during the stay,
or upon returning home, we provide support to ensure a worry-free experience for both owners and their cherished pets.

Please compare!
The prices and support content are safe and secure.

    • Price
      (1st dog)
    • Price
      (from 2nd dog)
    • Multilingual
    • Payment
    • Detailed
    • Attendance
      at MAQIS*
  • Paws Malaysia
    • ¥73,500 (RM2,100)
    • ¥28,000 (RM800)
    • JPY・MYR
    • ¥52,500(RM1,500)
  • Company A
    • RM4,000
    • RM1,000
    • MYR
    • RM1,500
  • Company B
    • ¥90,000
    • ¥90,000
    • JPY
*We will provide you with a “manual for dealing with MAQIS at KLIA”, so there is basically no need for an agent to be present!


Simple plan

JAPAN → Malaysia

JPY73,500 (RM2,100)

Support content

Normally, flights arriving from Japan to Kuala Lumpur are outside the agent’s business hours, so an additional fee will be charged,. But in our case, we will provide you with a “manual for dealing with MAQIS at KLIA”, so basically the agent No need to be present!

  • Support until issuance of “import permit”, all in multilingual (Japanese, English, and Chinese)
  • Free reservation support for MAQIS at KLIA
  • “Manual for dealing with MAQIS at KLIA” will be presented as a gift
Full support plan

JAPAN → Malaysia

JPY126,000 (RM3,600)

Support content

We provide full support including meeting at MAQIS in KLIA and transporting your pet from KLIA to Kuala Lumpur city.
Even if you are not good at Bahasa Malay or are unable to arrange a pet-friendly taxi in Malaysia for the first time, you can rest assured!

  • Support until issuance of “import permit”, all in multilingual (Japanese, English, and Chinese)
  • Free reservation support for MAQIS at KLIA
  • Reliable full support with MAQIS at KLIA
  • Pet transportation from KLIA to Kuala Lumpur

*Owners must use a separate taxi or Grab for transportation.

Please feel free to contact us

Estimates and consultations are free.

(Calls from Japan only)


  • *If we are unable to answer the phone, please let us know your number and we will call you back.
  • *For inquiries from overseas, please use LINE or WhatsApp.